Tania Marshall | Female Aspergers | Autism Spectrum

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Tania Marshall, M.Sc., is a psychologist, an award winning author and a 2015 & 2016 ASPECT Autism Australia National Recognition Award Nominee (Advancement Category). She works in private practice with individuals, of all ages, with a variety of mental health difficulties, psychological disorders and/or educations needs including: anxiety disorders including social anxiety and social phobia, depression and/or suicide, bullying, post-traumatic stress disorders, panic attacks and phobia, sleep disorder, schizophrenia, psychosis, obsessive compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, personal stress, relationship issues, work stress, anger management, career or educational guidance, psychological reports, psycho-educational reports, cognitive assessment, gifted, twice exceptional , highly sensitive individuals and learning disabilities. She provides a wide variety of evidence-based interventions including: Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), Cognitive Affective Training (CAT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), Narrative therapy, Family therapy and family-based interventions, Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), Schema-focused therapy, Emotion-focused therapy, Self help and Psychoeducation.

Tania also has extensive training and experience in neuro-developmental conditions including Autism spectrum conditions, Asperger syndrome, ADHD, sensory processing disorder and synaesthesia, across the lifespan. She regularly provides assessment, diagnosis, intervention, support and/or problem-solving sessions. In particular, Tania has extensive experience working with girls and women with Asperger syndrome (AS) or high functioning Autism (HFA). She regularly provides diagnostic assessments and support to females ages 2-77 years of age.

Tania is an Australian Psychological Society (APS) Identified Autism Practitioner, a Helping Children with Autism Early Intervention Service Provider (HWCA), a Better Start for Children with a Disability Provider, an approved Medicare provider of psychological services and a trained Secret Agent Society (SAS) Practitioner.

Tania has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Masters of Science degree in Applied Psychology. She completed an internship in the ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Clinic at a large Children's Hospital. Following her Masters degree, she completed an 18 month full-time post-masters externship which consisted of supervised practice in both private practice and at a special needs school for children ages 5-19. These placements both took place under the supervision of a clinical psychologist. She has worked in private practice since then. In 2013, Tania and Dr. Amanda Webster (Autism Studies, Griffith University) co-researched a Pilot study entitled "Predictors of Success Factors: A Phenomenological Pilot Study of Adult Females with Asperger Syndrome".

Tania is also a best selling author, a 2015 ASPECT Autism Australia National Recognition Award Nominee (Advancement Category) and a 2015 eLIT Gold Medal Award winner for her first self-published book entitled "I Am AspienGirl: The Unique Characteristics, Traits and Strengths of Young Females on the Autism Spectrum", foreword by Dr. Judith Gould. Tania's first book, entitled I Am AspienGirl, made it to the #1 Amazon ranking, in 3 categories, and the #2 Amazon USA ranking, in the Special Needs category, in its second week of release as an eBook. The book is available in eBook, paperback and hard cover formats. Completed translations of the book include Spanish, German and Brazilian Portuguese. Other translations currently bring completed include: Italian, French, Dutch, Norwegian, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese and Hebrew in 2015-2016.

The sequel to this book entitled "I Am AspienWoman: The Unique Characteristics, Traits and Strengths of Adult Females on the Autism Spectrum", Foreword by Dr. Shana Nichols is available as of September, 2015. Tania is currently writing the third book in her book series entitled "AspienPowers: The Unique Constellation of Strengths, Talents and Gifts of Females with Autism Spectrum Conditions". The Spanish version of I am Aspiengirl, entitled Soy AspienGirl is now available. Tania's work has been translated and/or cited in numerous publications including Sarah Hendricks' recent release entitled "Women and Girls with an Autism Spectrum Disorder" (2015), foreword by Dr. Judith Gould. Tania has been interviewed and featured in a number of radio shows and articles related to female Autism and/or her books.

Tania offers bulk billing services, sliding scale fees, Skype services, and services to both regional and rural areas. She is available for in-person or Skype consultations, assessments or problem-solving sessions. To book appointments or discuss and/or book availability for presentations, conferences, publishing and translation inquiries, please email

To purchase Tania's books, get a free chapter, sign up to the newsletter or become an affiliate and earn commission, please go to www.aspiengirl.com


Introducing the #1 best-selling I Am AspienGirl: The Unique characteristics, Traits and Gifts Of Young Girls on the Autism Spectrum now in Spanish! Purchase your Spanish copy athttp://www.aspiengirl.com/spanish and available in eBook, paperback and hard cover.

Soy Aspiengirl Female Autism Spectrum Best Selling Author

Tania's latest radio interview:
Breakfast - 23 February
with Philip Clark on 666 ABC Canberra
Listen to The Autism Show Podcast:
AspienWoman – The Female Autistic Profile with Tania Marshall

Sessions Available
Asia Pacific Autism Conference (APAC), Brisbane Australia from September 9th - 11th, 2015 at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), Booth #30 will have both I Am AspienGirl and I am AspienWoman available for purchase.

I Am AspienWoman was released August 29th and within its first week went to #1 bestseller in the parenting children with Disabilities and the Autism Categories on Amazon Australia. I am AspienWoman reached #11 on Amazon USA in its first week of release
Tania recently was invited to provide the welcome introduction and address for MujeresTEA 1st World female Autism 3 day conference in Beunos Aires, Argentina August 28th-30th, 2015
Tania was recently nominated for a 2015 ASPECT (Autism Spectrum Australia) National Recognition Award in the "Advancement" category. Tania is grateful and appreciative to be recognized for her work in advancing the field of female autism.


Tania's first book entitled"I am AspienGirl"recently received aneLIT Gold Medal Award in the

Female Aspergers Psycologist Tania Marshall ASPECT nominee

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