Staying Safe & Emergency Care - Tania Marshall | Female Aspergers | Autism Spectrum

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Staying Safe & Emergency Care


The Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN) is a national policing initiative of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments. It is a national online system that will allow the public to securely report instances of cybercrime. It will also provide advice to help people recognise and avoid common types of cybercrime.

If you require urgent assistance, contact Triple Zero (000).
For crisis support, contact Lifeline (13 11 14), beyondblue () or Kids Helpline ().

If you are feeling distressed or upset, or know someone who is, contact one of the following support services:

Lifeline provides crisis support on 13 11 14. Lifeline’s online chat service is also available every night. Search ‘crisis chat’ for more information.

beyondblue offers support on . You can also chat online every day from 3pm – 12am (AEST), or send an email at any time.

Also go to -beyondblue’s website for young people – information on depression, anxiety and how to help a friend.

SANE Australia Helpline
Information about mental illness symptoms, treatments, where to go for support and help for carers.

Multicultural Mental Health Australia
Mental health information for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Kids Helpline
Counselling for children and young people aged between five and 25.

MensLine Australia
Support for men and their families.

Suicide Call Back Service
Telephone support and online resources for those at risk of suicide, their carers and those bereaved by suicide.

SuicideLine Victoria
Counselling, crisis intervention, information and referral.

Post and Antenatal Depression Association (PaNDa)
Support and referral to anyone affected by post and antenatal depression, including partners and extended family.

Carers Australia
Family carer support and counselling in each state and territory.

Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation
Information, support and help for young people.

Black Dog Institute
Information about depression and bipolar disorder.
Information to help young people through tough times.

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